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High School Students and Educators

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Third Annual ISCPA High School Accounting Case Competition - Spring 2025

Iowa high school students will once again embark on an exciting journey into the realm of accounting with the Iowa Society of CPAs Accounting Case Competition where participants showcase their financial acumen and strategic thinking. 

ISCPA member volunteers will present to your students, ensuring teams are prepared for the competition by covering essential accounting topics from four modules. Content includes Accounts Receivable and Bad Debt Expense, Other Adjusting Journal Entries and CPA Careers Conversation, Financial Statement Analysis and Review and Case Competition Prep. These modules lay the groundwork for success in working the case.

On the day of the competition (late April), participants will delve into the professional world by visiting a local CPA firm or company. A tour and a brief company introduction set the stage for a 3–4-hour period to work the case. Finally, teams record and submit a 5–7-minute video presentation using a predefined rubric.

ISCPA member volunteer judges will select winners based on the submitted presentations. All students who participate will receive an ISCPA Case Competition t-shirt and participation certificate. The winning team will receive a trophy. Each member of the winning team will also receive an Amazon gift card. and bragging rights!

Don't miss this opportunity to inspire the next generation of accounting students and help them discover the possibilities that await future CPAs. Sign up today.

Accounting Opportunities Experience - November 2025

Teachers: Accounting Opportunities Experience offers a unique chance for your high school students to engage with accounting professionals for 50-60 minutes. It's an excellent way for students to explore and learn about a career in accounting.  To ensure a meaningful experience, ISCPA will provide the speaker with a customizable, interactive presentation, along with training. The session will also include time for students to ask questions at the end. Watch for more information coming in August.

Resources for high school students and instructors

ISCPA YouTube channel offers videos to provide insight to the accounting profession and real stories from CPAs.

Online Learning Modules

ISCPA has partnered with Iowa Intermediary Network, additional organizations and companies to offer modules covering Iowa business standards. Learn more about these educational opportunities.

acCOUNTing ME IN - Request a speaker

The Iowa Society of CPAs offers an interactive acCOUNTing ME IN virtual or in-classroom presentation for high school students. Whether it's an accounting I class or your school's Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter - or really anything in between - our members appreciate the opportunity to visit with high school students about this career choice and share the many doors it can open! Learn more and schedule a presentation today. 

Additional resources for high school students

Also, check out these great resources created just for high school students:

Additional resources for high school educators

AICPA's Academic Resource Database is packed with great projects, cases, resources and ideas! It is free for teachers to create an account.

Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) provides many great resources as well.